Friday, July 16, 2010

Maybe tomorrow, the good lord will take you awayy.

I hate who you are now. You're stupid and full to the BRIM of shit. I dont like you and I hope we never have the displeasure of talking ever again.

Phew. Now that thats over with; I had a great night. I got to hang out with 2 very fun chicks and got to see some peeps I haven't in a while. My dad and I got to talk too, which was pretty depressing. He works at with a taxi service now midnight-6 and the job totally sucks. He doesnt even work half the time. Part of me wants to send his resume into companies and get him a job again. The other part of me want to slap him in the face and tell him to stop being so poor and pitiful. He's blaming it all on Obama. Go figure.

I just now realized, sitting here, that my ears are STILL ringing from Wednesday night at the House of Tunes. Idk if thats normal or not, but I'm sick of it. I want it to stop.

Two weeks and one day until Savannah move-in :) yesssssssss.
one week and one day until Warped and Six Flags. SO excited.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Is that you chokin'? Or are you just jokin'?

Kara and I's new coffee table and side table is supposed to come today. It probably won't come until late afternoon though, because a majority of packages I get don't come until then. I hope they're not made out of paper, or like, Barbie sized. The side table was only $8.
I hate money.
Which is kind-of ironic because I just tracked a dollar on It's only been to GA and AL. And my tip jar, of course. I almost want to drive up to NY or over to CA and give it to someone, so it gets more history. Then again, I would partly be doing that for myself too. So people would know that the last person with this dollar has connections with California or New York. I'm a strange one, I know.

My mom and I got into the biggest, stupidest fight this morning. She was pissed that I wanted to mount the TV over a beautiful fireplace in our new apartment, and she told me that if I did, she'd never give me any money in my trust-fund. I thought it was a cruel joke but quickly realized it wasn't, and the fight escalated. She basically told me it's my fault she's applying for food stamps and can't pay insurance, even though I GIVE her money weekly for gas and other things. Don't get me wrong, she drives me places and gives me a place to live, so its the least I can do. But honestly, I'm sick of bearing the burden of her and my dad's mistakes financially. If she didn't plan on dealing with these things, why did she have children? It's baffling.
It did feel pretty cool to throw a wad of $1's at her, and watch them fall around her. I can now officially say I made it rain! :D

Kara, my dad, my two sisters, and I went to see the apartment for the 2nd time this Sunday. It was really fun hang out with my dad because I think he's been pretty depressed lately. He got a job a Yellow Taxi from 12-6am, so he barely has time to sleep or relax. He liked the apartment a lot and I think he's genuinely excited for us, which makes me even more excited.

The red arrow is to the living room of the apartment. From those two bay windows, it basically shot-guns back through the kitchen, hallway/bathroom, then to the bedroom. The yellow arrow is our front door, and the blue arrow is (I think) our landlord Charlie doing the renovations on it. As you can see, it still needs to be painted all white and fixed up a little. It will definitely be ready on August 1st though, when we will move in our furniture and sign the lease. Just 2 weeks and 3 days :) Yay.