Saturday, June 28, 2008

You're the closest to heaven that I'll ever be.

Kay, so yesterday was a really really good today. Kara came over, and we watched 28 Days Later and went to the beach. And found a dog we named Filbert! It was a girl dog, but she responded well to "Filbert", so I just called her that.
My mom digs 28 Days Later, which is weird. I didn't think she would like it. She did though, and so did Kara, so I was happy. My moms the worst person to watch a movie with. She talks and asks questions, and it's really annoying. She did that with Juno too. She was like "Was she a virgin?! I hope her parents aren't okay with this..."
Needless to say, yesterday was a very nice day. I hope I can have more days like that this summer.

Today was supposed to be fun too, but things got canceled. I wasn't surprised though because the person I was gonna hang out with usually does that. We've grown a lot apart over the past couple months. We used to be best best friends, and then out of no where: everything stopped. We've only hung out once this summer, and it was awkward beyond belief. I wish we could've followed through with our plans tonight, but I guess it was for the best. She had her other friends to hang out with, so I understand. It just bums me out because we were so close, and I've never lost a friend like that. I've lost friends because they changed or something, but never just like POOF! no more calling, no more making plans. I don't know why, it just happened...
I just wish she would've told me earlier too, because then I could've come up with something else to do. Maybe I could've gone to Allenwood and helped Kara babysit her friends. If you don't understand what I'm talking about, then you don't need to know. I'm glad she didn't do anything, but I hope she's telling the truth when she says she doesn't want to do it anymore.

Hopefully tomorrow will be better, because I guess we rescheduled everything for tomorrow. Who knows what will happen though, maybe that will fall through again. Tomorrow just better be good, because today stunk.

Wednesday is the YMC concert!
I'm actually kind-of excited.

I think I'll end this now, I'm tired and feel sick from eating too much Taco Bell.
night! <3

Thursday, June 26, 2008

In the chance my hands are eaten by sharks, you would hold my stubs as we walk through parks.

Okay, so I lied. The blog I posted on 6/24 wasn't my last one for a while. Mostly because I'm really sick and have nothing to do. Also because I have things to write about.
So, lots of people now have blogs on blogspot, which kinda makes me want to delete mine. I think blogs are nice though, and I like to read Bridget's and Melanie's. They're the coolest. I actually hung out with Melanie last night, but my fever came back when I was there, so we didn't have that crazy of a time. We did manage to watch Keeping Up With the Kardashian's, which is one of my favorite shows, and we had a really nice conversation about boys and gossip and other fun things in her pool. I just wish I wasn't so unwell because Bridget and Melanie were talking about seeing a movie tonight. I was really excited to go, but my mom made it pretty clear that I wasn't doing anything today. I thought I was feeling better yesterday afternoon, but I almost passed out in the queso dip at Mi Tierras. I realllly wasn't feeling good.
I don't know whats wrong with me, but it sucks. I should probably take off Kara's sweatshirt because my fevers making me sweat like a whore in church, but I love it too much. Plus, she's already agreed to take it every once and a while to wash it so it smells like her. Now it smells like incense, Kara, and something else I can't place. Maybe it's my shampoo. Whatever.
My shampoo is the greatest, by the way. It's made from hemp.
Another thing I wanted to bring up is how gross Denny's is. Bridget and Katie Doyle must remember our little experience after the Motion City Soundtrack concert last year. I won't get into the details, but we all almost threw up in the parking lot. I don't even know why they're still around, because they're terrible. All that agree, say "Yeah!".
Maybe I should start a protesting group against Denny's. I need to do research on how many people have died from all the grease they put in their food. I'm sure people have. It's outrageous.
I need a job. The guy from Bravo Pizza called yesterday and said that they hired someone else before I turned in my application, but he'll give me a call as soon as something frees up. Finding a job is so frustrating, but maybe it's just me because I'm desperate.

I think I'm going to end this thing now because I think my fever's starting to spike again. I'm shaking and it's getting hard to keep my eyes open. My mom says I look like someone on The Addams Family. Wow, great.

If you're reading this and know my house phone number, feel free to call. I'm going to be bored as hell and not allowed to leave my house.
<3 :)

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Oh Jeez.

Okay, I'm sorry for the outrageously emo post a couple hours ago.
I just made some Wildberry Pop-Tarts and watched Scrubs Season 2,
so I'm feeling much better.


Oh, and if Kara gets on the computer sometime tonight or tomorrow morning,
she should know that she should never blame herself for me getting in trouble with my mom. She makes every day of my life worth while and makes all my problems go away. As long as she loves me, I don't care if I'm grounded for the rest of my life. I would find my way to her because she's everything to me.
I just hope she cheers up, because I'm going to find someone to drive me to her house when my mom's not home, and we're gonna watch 28 Days Later and The Princess Bride.

Waste all your time with me, I know I'm a mess right now.

I'm a very emotional person, everyone knows that. If you're going to think I'm writing this junk for attention or that I'm just a little girl who doesn't know how good she has it, stop reading right now. I really don't care what you think. I really don't know why I insist on sharing my feelings with the whole internet world, but I do. I don't want to talk to my mom or my girlfriend, my best friend, or my therapist about it. I just want to get it out.
I hate how my life is so up and down. One day, I love my life. Everything's perfect and nothing could go wrong. Other days make me want to die. Today was the perfect example. It started off as one of the best days I've had in a while, but it ended as the worst. Apparently I'm now grounded for the rest of the entire summer. I feel like shit right now, and I don't care about anything. Most of the time, I have the bad days. Especially recently; it's been unbearable.
I don't know if I've explained this already, but I think a lot. I'm always thinking too much about situations or my friends. Or things that my friends have done, and I've gotten too wrapped up in. It's a constant thing.
Lately, the bad days just keep coming. Even if I'm not grounded for the whole rest of the summer, theres definitely one person she's made it very clear I'm not to hang out with. Yeah, the one person I need the most. My mom's so mad at that situation, she'll do anything she can to keep me away from her, and it kills me.
My mom hates most of my friends though, and the ones she likes, hate me. It's so frustrating. There are so many things about my life that make me want to cry and scream and throw stuff, but I don't. And honestly, the only reason I could never kill myself is because then people would be left alone to talk about me freely. I'm so afraid of that, because I know theres a lot of stuff I've done wrong. Like right now, people are probably reading this like "wtf? freak". I know that statement doesn't really go along with everything else I've been saying, but it's true.
I just hate how fucking unhappy I am right now, and everything that's been happening lately. I don't know what to do with myself. I don't feel like talking on the phone; I know theres only one person who actually, truly cares. I don't want to eat or watch T.V; I'm too chubby and lazy. I just want to sleep so I don't have to feel anything.
So, goodnight. I think this is going to be the last one for a while.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Someone's got the answers, but I'd rather think there's nothing to be found.

Another thing I've realized is that my mood changes with the weather. It really does.
I've been feeling really gloomy for the past couple of days, and it's been raining. I'm not saying that nothing would've happened if it was sunny outside, but it's just the way it worked out. I hope it stops raining soon.

Today was better then yesterday, but not by much. Yesterday and the day before were unbearable. I had nothing to do but hang around my house.
Today was different. I got up kinda early because I was expecting to go to pilates class with my mom. She ended up not going though, which was fine with me. I hate getting up early. After going to an orthodontist appointment, I headed down to Coligny for lunch with Leemor Benny. She's one of my best friends, but today was weird. I don't know what to think of it. I didn't really have a good time, but I didn't have an awful time either. I just hope I get the chance to hang out with Leemor before she moves, and not like we did today.
After I left Coligny, my mom said we could pick up Kara, which is what I was hoping to do all day long. She came over and we walked to my BFF Melanie's house for a couple minutes, but then my mom called and we had to go home. I love Melanie and Bridget, and hopefully I can hang with them tomorrow.
When Kara and I made it back to my house, there wasn't a lot we could do because it was starting to rain. We watched The Truman Show, which is one of my favorite movies, but I guess Kara thought it's was odd. Whatever.
So then we started to eat dinner, but her mom came in the middle of it.
She left her sweatshirt here, and it smells good. I'm wearing it right now :)

My story wasn't too interesting, I know. I left out some stuff for the fact that my mom might read this someday. Oh well.
I've been thinking a lot though, as I always do. I've thought a lot about my friends, and which ones are really there for me and which ones I really care about. I just hope the sun comes out and I start getting out of the house more. I normally don't mind rain, but it's just been too much lately. Its like a weight on my shoulders. Not the rain, my mood. I've been really glum, and I don't like it.

That's all for now.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

At least you'll be used to the place you'll be soon, this city was the blueprints for hell.

needless to say, these past couple days have caused me to think. I've been thinking a lot. Conveniently, I just made this new blogspot, so I'mmmmm going to write about it! There are a few things I've just realized or decided on or whatever you want to call it. They're just stupid things, but I guess I'll share them
1. I don't really know about this one, but my little sister pointed it out. Apparently I raise and lower my eyebrows when I'm in deep thought.
2. Sloths are one of the most terrifying creatures on the planet. I don't know what I would do if I ever encountered one.
3. I'm afraid of taking the time and changing what I always complain about. Like, I always say how I want to get my driver's license and stuff, but I haven't ever asked my mom to drive me up there and get it. Well, I've asked, but we've always had something else to do, and I honestly didn't care.
4. I don't enjoy summer weather. I wish vacation could be in autumn.
5. I over-use the words "gosh", "though", "whatever", and another word I forgot. I was thinking about it during breakfast though (!).
6. I care way too much about clothes. I have way too many, and I need to stop trying to buy more.
7. I hate spending time with my family, and I'm pretty sure they hate spending time with me. There are so many other things I'd rather be doing.

Hm, I don't feel like thinking anymore.
Watch this video. I've seen it way too many times.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Do your neighbor a favor, collect their morning paper and clip out all the sad bits.

Wow, today was crazy. I don't know any other word to describe it. It was just plain...crazy. It pretty much made a full 180 turn from completely terrible, to a really fantastic day. You see, I've been having a bit of a problem with my parents concerning my girlfriend. They won't ever leave us alone, which is understandable. But yesterday, I made plans with her that they agreed would be alright, but I was forced to bail at the last minute because they're meanies. Whatever, that was over.
So then today, we made the same kind of plans, and everything was all ready to go, but then I got into a fight with my little sister. My mom ended up leaving me at home. I was furious. I actually broke the upstairs phone I was so mad, and I called Kara crying and screaming because all I wanted to do was chill with her. Then I called my dad in desperation and explained to him what happened, and he felt bad and drove me to her house. So, that was good.
After a few minutes at her house, I guess we felt uncomfortable with her mom there, so we decided to get out.
We walked around to Wal-Mart and I bought her some paint since she's been wanting some, then we walked to Starbucks so I could get a drink, then made our way back to the Elementary School where my mom was working. We sat on the swings of the playground for an hour or so, and just talked. It was really nice.
It just made me realize how lucky I am to have people like her in my life. & Its not just her, it's everyone. I've managed to surround myself with some really great people, and I'm really happy. I really wouldn't be able to make it through without all my friends.
So to all the people that pick up their phones and listen to me gripe, and all the people who care about me, and anyone I've ever hung out with,
thank you for making my life so beautiful. I really mean it. I love you all so much! :D
haha, I'm a cheese.

I'm so unoriginal.

So, okay. I'm blogging.
I just made a decision to start one on here. My girlfriend Kara has one, and so does my good buddy Blake, so I figured it would be fun. I'm not a copy-cat though. Its just something I wanted to do.

I'm Catie, and I'm 16 years old. I turn 17 in 3 months and 14 days. I don't drive yet, I'm not much of a drinker, I've never done drugs, and I'm not a slut. I'm simple but chances are, I'm nothing like you. I'm always thinking, and thats mostly why I made this blog. Even if no one reads it, at least my thoughts are organized and put down in word form. Plus, this summer's been pretty boring and I need something to keep me busy when I'm at home.
I usually do anything I can to get out of my house. Sometimes I feel like the girl from The Breakfast Club, because she went to detention every Saturday because she didn't like being at home. When school let out, I was devastated because I actually loved school. I loved being around my friends and having something to do for most of the day. Even though summer's great, I always find myself wandering around my house with nothing to do. I hate that. It's not like I don't have friends, I just don't make plans very often.
Everyone knows how crazy I am over this one girl Kara, so I won't bore you with the details of that. She knows how I feel about her, and we've been together for 5 months. It's amazing and one of the best things that's ever happened to me.

Alright, I'm going to wrap this up because I haven't brushed my teeth yet this morning, and it's already 12:41pm.
Maybe I'll write some more tonight, or tomorrow. I don't know yet.
Thanks for reading if you did :)