Wednesday, April 27, 2011

I am not where I belong, so shine a light and guide me home.

Wow, blogging is seriously low on my to-do list. WHICH has recently grown to unbelievable lengths, even for me. Most of the things I used to do have taken the backseat to the activities I do now. I rarely have time for myself anymore, except for my ability to spend copious amounts of money on clothes I don't need OR have the space for. I'm flat broke, going to school full time, and living all by myself in the city. My dog, my bank account, and the cleanliness of my apartment are suffering because of this and part of me wants my fairy godmother to come and make it all better. The other part of me is ecstatic and (possibly) the happiest I've ever been.
School sucks up my time more than anything else right now. So much that there ISN'T really anything else. It's stressful, expensive, and a little bit tragic but I'm sticking with it for the first time in my life. Yes, till the very end (Feburary 2012). I can't very well get a job, except for the evenings and weekends. But my dog would then be alone even more than she already is. I spend about 25% of my week at school, and taking into account that I spend about 33% of the week sleeping, I only have 42% left to do what I want. I usually spend that time cutting my "friends'" hair (for free, ugh), sleeping, or spending as much time as I can with my family and friends.
My family's in the process of moving 3 hours away to Augusta, GA. 3 hours away from me. I've recently discovered that I do, in fact, love my family. A lot! And I really don't want them to move. They're my rocks. I've had an incredibly stressful 3+ months and I can't imagine going through the next 10 without them 45 minutes away. It sucks.
But part of me is thinking about making the move too. I love Savannah but I really want a change. And I can always come back. I don't know. I want to ask my aunt in Woodstock, NY if I can rent her above-the-garage apartment after I graduate, and work up there. (Auntie Lys, if you're reading this- we'll be in touch!) Or maybe I'll start fresh in Charleston or hell, maybe even Augusta's nice. I dont know. I've just got dreams right now.
I'm just worried that I'll never be satisfied where I am. I hate to think that wherever I go, I'll just be itching to get out. Maybe that's the good thing about being young; I'll just go wherever the hell I want.